Resilient Faith
Welcome to Resilient Faith, a podcast to support your journey to live a fully present life, and a deeper understanding of the resilient power within you. Opportunities to find deeper resilience within ourselves can come when life seems most challenging. This podcast is to help you develop that resilience and connection with God. Being Resilient and having power starts with Faith. Resilient Faith is sponsored by Brentwood Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, CA. Our Podcast is Produced by Janice McQueen Ward and Cameron Ward; Music composed by Cameron Ward; Host - Lora East, Associate Pastor Special Thanks - Nancy Reeves, Music Director, and Dave Carpenter, Pastor. You can follow Resilient Faith on Facebook @bpcteam and on Instagram @bpc_usa Please consider supporting our ministry by giving here - https://www.bpcusa.org/financial-ministry/
Resilient Faith
Sabbath: Lost and...Found
By the seventh day, God had finished his work. On the seventh day he rested from all his work”.
These ancient words are reflected in the fourth commandment; Exodus 20:8-10, “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to God, your God . . .”
· Bring yourself into God’s presence. Give thanks for God’s great love for you.
· Pray for the grace to see and understand God’s work in your life. As you have listened to this Sabbath topic, what has been your reaction? Have you felt any resistance? Be honest with yourself and God.
· Review a typical week in your life. Be specific. Do you have a rhythm between work and rest? If not, why not?
· Reflect on all that emerges from your review. What feelings arise? What feels positive? Negative? What possibilities for a personal Sabbath practice do you see?
· Look towards the future. How might you collaborate with Spirit’s leading regarding a Sabbath practice? Take these next moments to pray either the Lord’s Prayer or a prayer of your own.
“There is more to life than merely increasing its speed.”
“You are not made for the Sabbath; the Sabbath is made for you.”
May we slow down and receive this gift from God. May it be so.
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